​Privacy policy

​Table of Contents

​Privacy Policy

We have written this privacy policy(version 25.06.2021-121674819) to provide you with information inaccordance with the requirements of the GeneralData Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 aswell as to explain what information we collect, how we use data andwhat choices you have as a visitor to this website.

Privacy policies usually sound verytechnical. However, this version should describe the most importantthings as simply and clearly as possible. Moreover, technical termsare explained in a reader-friendly manner whenever possible. We wouldalso like to convey that we only collect and use information via thiswebsite if there is a corresponding legal basis for it. This iscertainly not possible if you give very brief technical explanations,as are often standard on the Internet when it comes to dataprotection. We hope you find the following explanations interestingand informative. Maybe you will also find some information that youdid not know yet.
Should you still have questions, we kindly askyou to follow the existing links to see further information onthird-party websites, or to simply write us an email. You can findour contact information in our website’s imprint.

​Contact details of the data protection controller

If you have any question about dataprotection, please find the contact details of the body or personresponsible for data protection below:
Musterstraße 1, 4711 Musterort
Authorised torepresent: Markus Mustermann
Email: office@musterfirma.com
Phone: +49 47114 654165
Company details: https://www.testfirma.de/impressum

​Rights in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation

You are granted the following rightsin accordance with the provisions of the GDPR(General Data Protection Regulation) and the Austrian DataProtection Act (DSG):

  • rightto rectification (article 16 GDPR)

  • rightto erasure (“right to be forgotten“) (article 17 GDPR)

  • rightto restrict processing (article 18 GDPR)

  • righto notification – notification obligation regarding rectificationor erasure of personal data or restriction of processing (article 19GDPR)

  • rightto data portability (article 20 GDPR)

  • Rightto object (article 21 GDPR)

  • right not to be subject to adecision based solely on automated processing – includingprofiling – (article 22 GDPR)

If you think that the processing ofyour data violates the data protection law, or that your dataprotection rights have been infringed in any other way, you can lodgea complaint with your respective regulatory authority. For Austriathis is the data protection authority, whose website you can accessat https://www.data-protection-authority.gv.at/.

​TLS encryption with https

The terms TLS, encryption and httpssound very technical, which they are indeed. We use HTTPS (HypertextTransfer Protocol Secure) to securely transfer data on theInternet.
This means that the entire transmission of all datafrom your browser to our web server is secured – nobody can “listenin”.

We have thus introduced an additionallayer of security and meet privacy requirements through technologydesign Article25 Section 1 GDPR). With the use of TLS(Transport Layer Security), which is an encryption protocol for safedata transfer on the internet, we can ensure the protection ofconfidential information.
You can recognise the use of thissafeguarding tool by the little lock-symbol , which is situated in your browser’s top left corner in the leftof the internet address (e.g. examplepage.uk), as well as by thedisplay of the letters https (instead of http) as a part of our webaddress.
If you want to know more about encryption, we recommendyou to do a Google search for “Hypertext Transfer Protocol Securewiki” to find good links to further information.

​Automatic Data Retention

Every time you visit a websitenowadays, certain information is automatically created and stored,just as it happens on this website. This data should be collected assparingly as possible, and only with good reason. By website, we meanthe entirety of all websites on your domain, i.e. everything from thehomepage to the very last subpage (like this one here). By domain wemean example.uk or examplepage.com.

Even while you are currently visitingour website, our web server – this is the computer this website isstored on, usually automatically retains data such as the below –for reasons such as operational security or for creating accessstatistics etc.

  • thefull address (URL) of the accessed website (e. g.https://www.examplepage.uk/examplesubpage.html/)

  • browserand browser version (e.g. Chrome 87)

  • theoperating system used (e.g. Windows 10)

  • theaddress (URL) of the previously visited site (referrer URL) (z. B.https://www.examplepage.uk/icamefromhere.html/)

  • thehost name and the IP-address of the device the website is accessedfrom (e.g. COMPUTERNAME and

  • dateand time

  • in so-called web server logfiles.

As an illustration:

Generally, these files are stored fortwo weeks and are then automatically deleted. We do not pass thesedata to others, but we cannot exclude the possibility that this datamay be looked at by the authorities in case of illegal conduct.

In short: your visit is logged by ourprovider (company that runs our website on servers), but we do notpass on your data!


Our website uses HTTP-cookies tostore user-specific data.
For your better understanding of thefollowing Privacy Policy statement, we will explain to you below whatcookies are and why they are in use.

​What exactly are cookies?

Every time you surf the internet, youuse a browser. Common browsers are for example Chrome, Safari,Firefox, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. Most websites storesmall text-files in your browser. These files are called cookies.

What should not be dismissed, is thatcookies are very useful little helpers. Nearly all websites usecookies. More accurately speaking these are HTTP-cookies, since thereare also different cookies for other uses. http-cookies are smallfiles which our website stores on your computer. These cookie filesare automatically put into the cookie-folder, which is like the“brain” of your browser. A cookie consists of a name and a value.Moreover, to define a cookie, one or multiple attributes must bespecified.

Cookies save certain parts of youruser data, such as e.g. language or personal page settings. When youre-open our website, your browser submits these “user specific”information back to our site. Thanks to cookies, our website knowswho you are and offers you the settings you are familiar to. In somebrowsers every cookie has its own file, in others such as Firefox,all cookies are stored in one single file.

There are both first-party cookiesand third-party cookies. First-party cookies are created directly byour site, while third-party cookies are created by partner-websites(e.g. Google Analytics). Every cookie is individual, since everycookie stores different data. The expiration time of a cookie alsovaries – it can be a few minutes, or up to a few years. Cookies areno software-programs and contain no computer viruses, trojans or anyother malware. Cookies also cannot access your PC’s information.

This is an example of howcookie-files can look:

name: _ga
purpose:differentiation between website visitors
expirationdate: after 2 years

A browser should support theseminimum sizes:

  • atleast 4096 bytes per cookie

  • atleast 50 cookies per domain

  • at least 3000 cookies in total

​Which types of cookies are there?

What exact cookies we use, depends onthe used services. We will explain this in the following sections ofthe Privacy Policy statement. Firstly, we will briefly focus on thedifferent types of HTTP-cookies.

There are 4 different types ofcookies:

Essential Cookies
Thesecookies are necessary to ensure the basic function of a website. Theyare needed when a user for example puts a product into their shoppingcart, then continues surfing on different websites and comes backlater in order to proceed to the checkout. Even when the user closedtheir window priorly, these cookies ensure that the shopping cartdoes not get deleted.

Purposive Cookies
Thesecookies collect info about the user behaviour and record if the userpotentially receives any error messages. Furthermore, these cookiesrecord the website’s loading time as well as its behaviour withindifferent browsers.

These cookies care for an improveduser-friendliness. Thus, information such as previously enteredlocations, fonts or data in forms stay saved.

Advertising Cookies
Thesecookies are also known as targeting-Cookies. They serve the purposeof delivering individually adapted advertisements to the user. Thiscan be very practical, but also rather annoying.

Upon your first visit to a websiteyou are usually asked which of these cookie-types you want to accept.Furthermore, this decision will of course also be saved in a cookie.

​How can I delete cookies?

You yourself take the decision if andhow you want to use cookies. Thus, no matter what service or websitecookies are from, you always have the option to delete, deactivate oronly partially allow them. Therefore, you can for example blockcookies of third parties but allow any other cookies.

If you want change or deletecookie-settings and would like to determine which cookies have beensaved to your browser, you can find this info in yourbrowser-settings:

Chrome:Clear, enable and manage cookies in Chrome

Safari:Manage cookies and website data in Safari

Firefox:Clear cookies and site data in Firefox

InternetExplorer: Delete and manage cookies

MicrosoftEdge: Delete cookies in Microsoft Edge

If you generally do not want to allowany cookies at all, you can set up your browser in a way, to notifyyou whenever a potential cookie is about to be set. This gives youthe opportunity to manually decide to either permit or deny theplacement of every single cookie. The settings for this differ frombrowser to browser. Therefore, it might be best for you to search forthe instructions in Google. If you are using Chrome, you could forexample put the search phrase “delete cookies Chrome” or“deactivate cookies Chrome” into Google.

​How is my data protected?

There is a “cookie policy” thathas been in place since 2009. It states that the storage of cookiesrequires the user’s consent. However, among the countries of theEU, these guidelines are often met with mixed reactions. In Austriathe guidelines have been implemented in § 96 section 3 of theTelecommunications Act (TKG).

If you want to learn more aboutcookies and do not mind technical documentation, we recommendhttps://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265,the Request for Comments of the Internet Engineering Task Force(IETF) called “HTTP State Management Mechanism”.

​Google Analytics Privacy Policy

We use the tracking and analysis toolGoogle Analytics (GA) of the US-American company Google LLC (1600Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA). Google Analyticscollects data on your actions on our website. Whenever you click alink for example, this action is saved in a cookie and transferred toGoogle Analytics. With the help of reports which we receive fromGoogle Analytics, we can adapt our website and our services better toyour wishes. In the following, we will explain the tracking tool inmore detail, and most of all, we will inform you what data is savedand how you can prevent this.

​What is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a tracking toolwith the purpose of conducting data traffic analysis of our website.For Google Analytics to work, there is a tracking code integrated toour website. Upon your visit to our website, this code recordsvarious actions you perform on your website. As soon as you leave ourwebsite, this data is sent to the Google Analytics server, where itis stored.

Google processes this data and wethen receive reports on your user behaviour. These reports can be oneof the following:

  • Targetaudience reports: With the help of target audience reports we canget to know our users better and can therefore better understand whois interested in our service.

  • Advertisingreports: Through advertising reports we can analyse our onlineadvertising better and hence improve it.

  • Acquisitionreports: Acquisition reports provide us helpful information on howwe can get more people enthusiastic about our service.

  • Behaviourreports: With these reports, we can find out how you interact withour website. By the means of behaviour reports, we can understandwhat path you go on our website and what links you click.

  • Conversionreports: A conversion is the process of leading you to carry out adesired action due to a marketing message. An example of this wouldbe transforming you from a mere website visitor into a buyer or anewsletter subscriber. Hence, with the help of these reports we cansee in more detail, if our marketing measures are successful withyou. Our aim is to increase our conversion rate.

  • Real time reports: With the helpof these reports we can see in real time, what happens on ourwebsite. It makes us for example see, we can see how many users arereading this text right now.

​Why do we use Google Analytics onour website?

The objective of our website isclear: We want to offer you the best possible service. GoogleAnalytics’ statistics and data help us with reaching this goal.

Statistically evaluated data give usa clear picture of the strengths and weaknesses of our website. Onthe one hand, we can optimise our page in a way, that makes it easierto be found by interested people on Google. On the other hand, thedata helps us to get a better understanding of you as our visitor.Therefore, we can very accurately find out what we must improve onour website, in order to offer you the best possible service. Theanalysis of that data also enables us to carry out our advertisingand marketing measures in a more individual and more cost-effectiveway. After all, it only makes sense to show our products and servicesexclusively to people who are interested in them.

​What data gets stored by GoogleAnalytics?

With the aid of a tracking code,Google Analytics creates a random, unique ID which is connected toyour browser cookie. That way, Google Analytics recognises you as anew user. The next time you visit our site, you will be recognised asa “recurring” user. All data that is collected gets savedtogether with this very user ID. Only this is how it is made possiblefor us to evaluate and analyse pseudonymous user profiles.

Your interactions on our website aremeasures by tags such as cookies and app instance IDs. Interactionsare all kinds of actions that you perform on our website. If you arealso using other Google systems (such as a Google Account), datagenerated by Google Analytics can be linked with third-party cookies.Google does not pass on any Google Analytics data, unless we as thewebsite owners authorise it. In case it is required by law,exceptions can occur.

The following cookies are used byGoogle Analytics:

Purpose:By deafault, analytics.js uses the cookie _ga, to save the user ID.It generally serves the purpose of differenciating between websitevisitors.
Expiration date: After 2 years

Purpose:This cookie also serves the purpose of differentiating betweenwebsite users
Expiration date: After 24 hours

Value: 1
Verwendungszweck:It is used for decreasing the demand rate. If Google Analytics isprovided via Google Tag Manager, this cookie gets the name _dc_gtm_.
Expiration date: After 1 minute

Value: No information
Purpose:This cookie has a token which is used to retrieve the user ID by theAMP Client ID Service. Other possible values suggest a logoff, arequest or an error.
Expiration date: After 30seconds up to one year

Purpose:With this cookie your behaviour on the website can be tracked and thesite performance can be measured. The cookie is updated every timethe information is sent to Google Analytics.
Expirationdate: After 2 years

Name: __utmt
Purpose: Just like _gat_gtag_UA_ this cookieis used for keeping the requirement rate in check.
Expirationdate: Afer 10 minutes

Purpose:This cookie is used to determine new sessions. It is updated everytime new data or information gets sent to GoogleAnalytics.
Expiration date: After 30 minutes

Name: __utmc
Purpose: This cookie is used todetermine new sessions for recurring visitors. It is therefore asession cookie, and only stays saved until you close the browseragain.
Expiration date: After closing thebrowser

Name: __utmz
Purpose:This cookie is used to identify the source of our website’s visitornumber. This means, that the cookie saves information on where youcame to our website from. This could be another site or anadvertisement.
Expiration date: After 6 months

Name: __utmv
Value:No information
Purpose: The cookie is used tostore custom user data. It gets updated whenever information is sentto Google Analytics.
Expiration date: After 2years

Note: This list isby no means exhaustive, since Google are repeatedly changing the useof their cookies.

Below we will give you an overview ofthe most important data that can be evaluated by Google Analytics:

Heatmaps: Googlecreates so-called Heatmaps an. These Heatmaps make it possible to seethe exact areas you click on, so we can get information on whatroutes you make on our website.

Session duration:Google calls the time you spend on our website without leaving itsession duration. Whenever you are inactive for 20 minutes, thesession ends automatically.

Bounce rate If youonly look at one page of our website and then leave our websiteagain, it is called a bounce.

Account creation: Ifyou create an account or make an order on our website, GoogleAnalytics collects this data.

IP-Address: The IPaddress is only shown in a shortened form, to make it impossible toclearly allocate it.

Location: Yourapproximate location and the country you are in can be defined by theIP address. This process is called IP location determination.

Technical information:Information about your browser type, your internet provider and yourscreen resolution are called technical information.

Source: Both, GoogleAnalytics as well as ourselves, are interested what website or whatadvertisement led you to our site.

Further possibly stored data includescontact data, potential reviews, playing media (e.g. when you play avideo on our site), sharing of contents via social media or addingour site to your favourites. This list is not exhaustive and onlyserves as general guidance on Google Analytics’ data retention.

​How long and where is the datasaved?

Google has servers across the globe.Most of them are in America and therefore your data is mainly savedon American servers. Here you can read detailed information on whereGoogle’s data centres are located:https://www.google.com/about/datacenters/inside/locations/?hl=en

Your data is allocated to variousphysical data mediums. This has the advantage of allowing to retrievethe data faster, and of protecting it better from manipulation. EveryGoogle data centre has respective emergency programs for your data.Hence, in case of a hardware failure at Google or a server error dueto natural disasters, the risk for a service interruption staysrelatively low.

Google Analytics has a 26 monthsstandardised period of retaining your user data. After this time,your user data is deleted. However, we have the possibility to choosethe retention period of user data ourselves. There are the followingfive options:

  • Deletionafter 14 months

  • Deletionafter 26 months

  • Deletionafter 38 months

  • Deletionafter 50 months

  • No automatical deletion

As soon as the chosen period isexpired, the data is deleted once a month. This retention periodapplies to any of your data which is linked to cookies, useridentification and advertisement IDs (e.g. cookies of the DoubleClickdomain). Any report results are based on aggregated information andare stored independently of any user data. Aggregated information isa merge of individual data into a single and bigger unit.

​How can I delete my data orprevent data retention?

Under the provisions of the EuropeanUnion’s data protection law, you have the right to obtaininformation on your data and to update, delete or restrict it. Withthe help of a browser add on that can deactivate Google Analytics’JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js, dc.js), you can prevent GoogleAnalytics from using your data. You can download this add on athttps://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en-GB.Please consider that this add on can only deactivate any datacollection by Google Analytics.

Should you generally want todeactivate, delete or manage all cookies (independently of GoogleAnalytics), you can use one of the guides that are available for anybrowser:

Chrome:Clear, enable and manage cookies in Chrome

Safari:Manage cookies and website data in Safari

Firefox:Clear cookies and site data in Firefox

InternetExplorer: Delete and manage cookies

MicrosoftEdge: Delete cookies in Microsoft Edge

Google Analytics is an activeparticipant of the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework, which regulatescorrect and save transfer of personal data.
You can find moreinformation on this athttps://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt000000001L5AAI&tid=121674819.We hope we were able to make you more familiar with the mostimportant information on Google Analytics’ data processing. If youwant to learn more about the tracking service, we recommend both ofthe following links:https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/analytics/terms/gb/and https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=en.

​AdSimple Cookie Manager Privacy Policy

On our website we use the AdSimpleCookie Manager of the software development and online marketingcompany AdSimple GmbH, Fabriksgasse 20, 2230 Gänserndorf, Austria.The AdSimple Cookie Manager offers us, among other things, theopportunity to provide you with a cookie notice that is comprehensiveand compliant with data protection laws. This gives you theopportunity to decide which cookies you want to allow or deny. Byusing this software, data is sent from you to AdSimple, where it isstored. In this privacy policy we inform you on why we use theAdSimple Cookie Manager, which data is transferred and stored and howyou can prevent this data transfer.

​What is the AdSimple CookieManager?

The AdSimple Cookie Manager is asoftware that scans our website to identify and categorise allexisting cookies. Additionally, you as the website visitor will beinformed on the use of cookies via a cookie notice script. Then youcan decide yourself which cookies you want to allow or deny.

​Why do we use the AdSimple CookieManager on your website?

We want to offer you maximumtransparency when it comes to data protection. Before we can do so,we need to exactly determine which cookies have ended up on ourwebsite over time. Since the AdSimple cookie manager regularly scansour website and locates all cookies, we have full control over thesecookies and can therefore act in compliance with the GDPR. Thisenables us to inform you precisely on the use of cookies on ourwebsite.
Moreover, you will always receive an up-to-date cookienotice that is data-protection compliant. This enables you to decideyourself which cookies you want to allow or deny via the checkboxsystem.

​Which data are stored by theAdSimple Cookie Manager?

If you agree to cookies on ourwebsite, AdSimple Cookie Manager will set the following cookie:

Porpose:This cookie saves the status of your consent. This enables ourwebsite to read and adhere to the latest status, even during futurevisits.
Expiry date: after one year

​How long and where are the datastored?

All data collected by the AdSimpleCookie Manager is transferred and stored exclusively within theEuropean Union. The collected data is stored on the AdSimple serversat Hetzner GmbH in Germany. Therefore, only AdSimple GmbH and HetznerGmbH have access to the data.

​How can I delete my data orprevent data retention?

You have the right to access anddelete your personal data at any time. You can prevent datacollection and storage by for example rejecting the use of cookiesvia the cookie notification script. Another option to prevent dataprocessing or to manage it according to your wishes is your browser.Depending on the browser you use, managing cookies differs slightly.Below you will find links to the instructions for the most commonbrowsers:

Chrome:Clear, enable and manage cookies in Chrome

Safari:Manage cookies and website data in Safari

Firefox: Clear cookies and site datain Firefox

Internet Explorer: Delete and managecookies

Microsoft Edge: Delete cookies inMicrosoft Edge

We hope we were able to provide youwith a good overview of data traffic and data processing by AdSimpleCookie Manager. If you want to learn more about this tool, werecommend the description page athttps://www.adsimple.at/adsimple-cookie-manager/.

​LinkedIn Privacy Policy

On our website we use social pluginsfrom the social media network LinkedIn, of the LinkedIn Corporation,2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Social plugins canbe feeds, content sharing or a link to our LinkedIn page. Socialplugins are clearly marked with the well-known LinkedIn logo and forexample allow sharing interesting content directly via our website.Moreover, LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company Wilton Place in Dublinis responsible for data processing in the European Economic Area andSwitzerland.

By embedding these plugins, data canbe sent to, as well as stored and processed by LinkedIn. In thisprivacy policy we want to inform you what data this is, how thenetwork uses this data and how you can manage or prevent dataretention.

​What is LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is the largest socialnetwork for business contacts. In contrast to e.g. Facebook, LinkedInfocuses exclusively on establishing business connections. Therefore,companies can present services and products on the platform andestablish business relationships. Many people also use LinkedIn tofind a job or to find suitable employees for their own company. InGermany alone, the network has over 11 million members. In Austriathere are about 1.3 million.

​Why do we use LinkedIn on ourwebsite?

We know how busy you are. You justcannot keep up with following every single social media channel. Evenif it would really be worth it, as it is with our channels, since wekeep posting interesting news and articles worth spreading.Therefore, on our website we have created the opportunity to shareinteresting content directly on LinkedIn, or to refer directly to ourLinkedIn page. We consider built-in social plugins as an extendedservice on our website. The data LinkedIn collects also help us todisplay potential advertising measures only to people who areinterested in our offer.

​What data are stored by LinkedIn?

LinkedIn stores no personal data dueto the mere integration of social plugins. LinkedIn calls the datagenerated by plugins passive impressions. However, if you click on asocial plugin to e.g. share our content, the platform stores personaldata as so-called “active impressions”. This happens regardlessof whether you have a LinkedIn account or not. If you are logged in,the collected data will be assigned to your account.

When you interact with our plugins,your browser establishes a direct connection to LinkedIn’s servers.Through that, the company logs various usage data. These may includeyour IP address, login data, device information or information aboutyour internet or cellular provider. If you use LinkedIn services viayour smartphone, your location may also be identified (after you havegiven permission). Moreover, LinkedIn can share these data withthird-party advertisers in “hashed” form. Hashing means that adata set is transformed into a character string. This allows data tobe encrypted, which prevents persons from getting identified.

Most data on of your user behaviouris stored in cookies. These are small text files that usually getplaced in your browser. Furthermore, LinkedIn can also use webbeacons, pixel tags, display tags and other device recognitions.

Various tests also show which cookiesare set when a user interacts with a social plug-in. We do not claimfor the information we found to be exhaustive, as it only serves asan example. The following cookies were set without being logged in toLinkedIn:

Name: bcookie
Purpose: Thiscookie is a so-called “browser ID cookie” and stores youridentification number (ID).
Expiry date: after2 years

Name: lang
Purpose:This cookie saves yourdefault or preferred language.
Expiry date:after end of session

Name: lidc
Purpose:Thiscookie is used for routing. Routing records how you found your way toLinkedIn and how you navigate through the website.
Expirydate: after 24 hours

Name: rtc
Purpose:No furtherinformation could be found about this cookie.
Expirydate: after 2 minutes

Purpose: Thisis a session cookie that LinkedIn uses to maintain anonymous usersessions through the server.
Expiry date: afterend of session

Value: “v=1&201910230812…
Purpose:This cookie is a security cookie. LinkedIn describes it as a securebrowser ID cookie.
Expiry date: after 2 years

Name: fid
Purpose: We could not findany further information about this cookie.
Expiry date:after 7 days

Note: LinkedIn alsoworks with third parties. That is why we identified the GoogleAnalytics cookies _ga and _gat in our test.

​How long and where are the datastored?

In general, LinkedIn retains yourpersonal data for as long as the company considers it necessary forproviding its services. However, LinkedIn deletes your personal datawhen you delete your account. In some exceptional cases, LinkedInkeeps some summarised and anonymised data, even account deletions. Assoon as you delete your account, it may take up to a day until otherpeople can no longer see your data. LinkedIn generally deletes thedata within 30 days. However, LinkedIn retains data if it isnecessary for legal reasons. Also, data that can no longer beassigned to any person remains stored even after the account isclosed. The data are stored on various servers in America andpresumably also in Europe.

​How can I delete my data orprevent data retention?

You have the right to access anddelete your personal data at any time. In your LinkedIn account youcan manage, change and delete your data. Moreover, you can request acopy of your personal data from LinkedIn.

How to access account data in yourLinkedIn profile:

In LinkedIn, click on your profileicon and select the “Settings & Privacy” section. Now clickon “Privacy” and then on the section “How LinkedIn uses yourdata on”. Then, click “Change” in the row with “Manage yourdata and activity”. There you can instantly view selected data onyour web activity and your account history.

In your browser you also have theoption of preventing data processing by LinkedIn. As mentioned above,LinkedIn stores most data via cookies that are placed in yourbrowser. You can manage, deactivate or delete these cookies.Depending on which browser you have, these settings work a littledifferent. You can find the instructions for the most common browsershere:

Chrome:Clear, enable and manage cookies in Chrome

Safari:Manage cookies and website data in Safari

Firefox: Clear cookies and site datain Firefox

Internet Explorer: Delete and managecookies

Microsoft Edge: Delete cookies inMicrosoft Edge

You can generally set your browser toalways notify you when a cookie is about to be set. Then you canalways decide individually whether you want to allow the cookie ornot.

LinkedIn is an active participant inthe EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Frameworks. This framework ensures correctdata transmission between the USA and the European Union. You canfind out more about it athttps://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt0000000L0UZAA0.We gave our best to provide you the most essential information aboutLinkedIn’s data processing. Athttps://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policyyou can find out more about data processing of the social medianetwork LinkedIn.

​Google Maps Privacy Policy

On our website we use Google Maps ofthe company Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA94043, USA). With the use of Google Maps, we can show you locationsin a better way and can therefore adjust our service to your needs.Due to the utilisation of Google Maps, data gets transferred toGoogle and is saved on Google’s servers. In the following, we wantto explain in detail what Google Maps is, why we use this Googleservice, what data is stored and how you can prevent this.

​What is Google Maps?

Google Maps is an internet mapsservice of the company Google Inc. With Google Maps you can searchfor exact locations of cities, sights, accommodations or businessesonline via a PC, a tablet or an app. If businesses are represented onGoogle My Business, the respective location as well as otherinformation about the company are shown there. In order to show routedirections, a location’s map sections can be integrated in awebsite through a HTML-code. Google Maps depicts the earth’ssurface as either a road map or as air and satellite images. Due tothe street view and high-quality satellite images, it is possible forexact representations to be made.

​Why do we use Google Maps on ourwebsite?

The efforts we make on this page havethe goal of giving you a useful and meaningful experience on ourwebsite. Through the integration of Google Maps, we can offer youessential information on various locations. Therefore, you can spotour office address with one glance. Furthermore, the route directionsalways show you the best and fastest way to us. You can retrieve theroute directions for traveling either by car, by public transport, onfoot or by bike. The integration of Google Maps is a part of ourcustomer service.

​What data is stored by GoogleMaps?

For Google Maps to offer its fullservices, the company must collect and store your data. This includesyour entered search terms, your IP-address as well as your longitudeand latitude coordinates. When you use the route-planner function,the entered start address is stored also. However, this dataretention happens on Google Maps‘ websites. We can only inform youabout it but cannot influence it in any way. Since we have includedGoogle Maps on our website, Google will set at least one cookie(Name: NID) into your browser. This cookie saves data on your userbehaviour. Google primarily uses this data to optimise ist ownservices and to provide you with individual, personalisedadvertisements.

The following cookies are set in yourbrowser due to the integration of Google Maps:

Name: NID
Purpose:Google uses NID in order to adjust advertisments to your Googlesearches. With the cookie’s help Google “remembers“ your mostfrequently entered search queries or your previous interaction withads. That way you always receive customised adertisments. The cookiecontains a unique ID, wich Google uses to collect your personalsettings for advertising porposes.
Expiration date:after 6 months

Note: We cannotguarantee completeness of the information on saved data. This is,because especially concerning the use of cookies, changes can happenanytime. To identify the cookie NID, a test page was created, towhich Google Maps was included.

​How long and where is the datasaved?

There are Google servers in datacentres across the entire planet. However, most servers are inAmerica. For this reason, your data is widely stored in the USA. Hereyou can read in detail about where the Google servers are located:https://www.google.com/about/datacenters/inside/locations/?hl=en

Google distributes data to variousdata carriers. This makes it possible to retrieve the data faster andto better protect it from possible attempted manipulations. Everyserver has emergency programs. Thus, should for example a problemwith Google’s hardware occur or should a natural disaster impactthe servers, any data will quite certainly stay protected.

Moreover, Google saves some data fora specified period. With some other data on the other hand, Googleonly offers the opportunity for deleting it manually. Furthermore,the company anonymises information (e.g. advertising data) in serverlogs, by deleting a part of the IP-address and cookie informationafter 9 to 18 months.

​How can I delete my data, orprevent data retention?

Due to the automatic delete functionfor location and activity data, which was introduced in 2019,information that is used for determining your location and web or appactivity is saved for either 3 or 18 months, depending on yourpreferred decision, and is deleted thereafter.
Furthermore, itis possible to delete this data manually from your browser historyvia your Google account anytime. If you want to prevent thedetermination of your location altogether, you must pause thecategory “Web and app activity” in your Google account. Click on“Data and personalisation” and then choose the option “Activitycontrols”. Here you can switch the activities on or off.

Moreover, in your browser you candeactivate, delete or manage individual cookies. This function candiffer a little, depending on what browser you are using. Thefollowing instructions will show you how to manage cookies in yourbrowser:

Chrome:Clear, enable and manage cookies in Chrome

Safari:Manage cookies and website data in Safari

Firefox: Clear cookies and site datain Firefox

Internet Explorer: Delete and managecookies

Microsoft Edge: Delete cookies inMicrosoft Edge

If you generally do not want topermit any cookies, you can set up your browser in a way that ensuresyou get informed whenever a cookie is about to be placed. That wayyou can decide to either permit or refuse every single cookie.

Google is an active participant ofthe EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework, which regulates the correct andsafe transfer of personal data. You can find more information on thisonhttps://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt000000001L5AAI.
Ifyou want to find out more about Google’s data processing, werecommend the company’s internal privacy statement onhttps://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en-GB.

​Google Fonts Local Privacy Policy

On our website we use Google Fonts,from the company Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway MountainView, CA 94043, USA).
We integrated Google Fonts locally, so onour own webserver and not on Google’s servers. Hence, there is noconnection to Google’s servers and consequently no data transfer orretention.

​What are Google Fonts?

Google Fonts was previously calledGoogle Web Fonts. It is an interactive list with over 800 fonts whichGoogleLLC offer for free use. With the use of GoogleFonts, it is possible to utilise fonts without uploading them to yourown server. For that matter, in order to prevent any transfer ofinformation to Google’s servers, we downloaded the fonts to our ownserver. This way we comply with the data privacy and do not transmitany data to Google Fonts.

Unlike other web fonts, Google offersus unrestricted access to all its fonts. Thus, we have a vast sea offont types at our disposal, which helps us to get the most out of ourwebsite. You can find out more answers and information on GoogleFonts at https://developers.google.com/fonts/faq?tid=121674819.

All texts are copyrighted.

Source:Created with the DatenschutzGenerator by AdSimple